Who's Participating?
This map represents the involved institutions with RRCoP. Leadership is noted by black stars, advisory board by blue buildings, and general community members are noted with a red dot.
Advisory Institutions
These institutions have committed to participating in the assessment of the value of the RRCoP, providing feedback, and early vetting of materials:
Arizona State University
Case Western Reserve University
Duke University
Indiana University
Northwestern University
North Carolina State University *
Princeton University
Purdue University
Stanford University
University of California, San Diego *
University of Florida *
University of Minnesota
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
* Project Leadership
Resource & Integration Partners
A Community of Communities - Strategic Fit
RRCoP spans multiple stakeholder domains and bridges between other existing communities.
RRCoP brings the most value by overlapping through many other communities that share parts of the complete workflow of regulated research.
Help make this community of communities stronger! Are there other communities of alignment? Send suggestions to info@regulatedresearch.org.
Overlapping Communities
AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science
AASCU - American Association of State Colleges and Universities
AAU - Association of American Universities
ACUA - Association of College & University Auditors
AUECO - Association of Export Control Officers
CARCC - Campus Research Computing Consortium
CASC - Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation
COGR - Council on Governmental Relations
FDP - Federal Demonstration Partnership
NORDP - National Organization of Research Development Professionals
NCURA - National Council of Research Administrators
REN_ISAC - Research & Education Networks Information Sharing & Analysis Center
Broad Range of Involved Roles
RRCoP's fit is connecting at sharing out from maybe roles that are involved in the entire workflow of regulated research management